Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Night Prayer Bloopers


Tonight was not my best night leading Night Prayer. I went out after my adoration hour for that free slice of pizza, using the coupon we got last night, since Travalon went to the Badger basketball game. The clock in my car is still set to Daylight Saving Time, so I thought it was almost time for me to lead Night Prayer and that I was going to be late. I got home quickly, set everything up... and waited. Nobody came into my Zoom meeting, and when I checked where Rich was using my Rich tracker, he wasn't at home. I texted him and asked if he wasn't doing Night Prayer tonight, and he texted back that Night Prayer wasn't for another hour. Oops!

During Night Prayer I muted myself as usual while Rich sang the hymn, then I meant to unmute myself, but instead I stopped sharing my screen. That meant none of us could see the breviary we pray from. For a second I wondered what had happened, then I realized what I'd done, and I couldn't stop laughing. I shared my screen again and started reading the psalm... and a few lines into it, Rich said, "You're muted, Famous." So then I couldn't stop laughing again. Not my proudest moment leading Night Prayer!

Here, by request of nobody, is a photo of my rick rack cactus.

It looks kind of like a Christmas cactus, but the woman at the plant store told me it's more like a regular cactus, which is bad news. I cannot seem to keep regular cacti alive. I have better luck with Christmas cacti. This one seems somewhat succulent, so I'll try treating it like the other succulents. Hopefully that works...

Famous Hat

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