Saturday, January 28, 2023

And the Third Guy Ducks


Yesterday was a frustrating day at work with that requisition that has been a nonstop issue. Apparently there was something wrong, but it seemed to be something the approver did after I had already submitted it. I asked the support people what exactly was wrong and how I could fix it, and their unhelpful answer was basically: "Delete the requisition and resubmit it, but do it right this time." So if I don't know what's wrong with it, how exactly am I supposed to do it right this time? But the story may have a happy ending, because my colleague and I think we figured out what the issue was. I resubmitted the requisition, but then again, how do I know the approver won't change it again? You can see there are some flaws in the system.

Then I talked to Tiffy, and we both agreed that work seems more complicated now than it was a quarter century ago when we entered the workaday world. I said with the old way we did requisitions for years, I would create one on paper, then I would take it to the approver, then I would take it to Accounts Payable. Not only did I get more exercise, but it was easy to know when the process was done. With these new electronic systems, we never have to leave our desks, but there's nothing to remind us the requisition is still in process once we submit it for the approver to approve. I've run into this problem with setting up vendors in the new system - once I submit the request, nothing reminds me that I have a request pending if I don't think to look it up, and I don't get notified that the vendor has been set up. So it is very easy to set vendors up and then forget that you still have to pay them. Previously, there was a process that you saw through from beginning to end, but now it's all waiting for someone else to do their part, and if they don't do it, you forgot to follow up. It's a recipe for disaster.

Today was kind of a letdown of a day. It was snowing all day, but Travalon ventured out to a disappointing Badger basketball game while I stayed home and cleaned. I also took an hour walk in our neighborhood and watched some old episodes of Colbert. We were going to go see a Brazilian band this evening, but it was snowing harder, so we just sat at home, and I sorted paperwork but couldn't find the one thing I was looking for. Oh well, a quiet weekend isn't the worst thing ahead of our big trip.

Since this isn't a very exciting post, I'll leave you with a joke - the punchline is actually the title of this post. Two guys walk into a bar... and the third guy ducks. (Pause for laughter.) Okay, I'll probably write tomorrow and hopefully have something more interesting to report.

Famous Hat

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