Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Finalists in the Snowplow Naming Contest


Today was a frustrating day at work. I had to pay an invoice using our new system, but I couldn't pay it the regular way because there is a purchase order. In the old days I would just submit the invoice to Central Accounting and they would pay it from the purchase order, but there must be a way to submit the invoice using our new system. However, nobody seems to know how to do it. Also, I have to change the funding on the purchase order. The other big thing I had to do today was buy bus tickets for a bunch of people, and I successfully bought three on two different credit cards, but then suddenly the site kept saying there was an error. I called the number they listed, and they said the problem wasn't the site, it was with the credit card. So I called the credit card company, and they said there were three charges on that card even though I had only gotten one ticket. I contacted the bus company again, and they said the other two charges would drop off. Meanwhile, I need to buy four more tickets, but they won't let you buy them over the phone - they said the guests could buy them in person on their own credit cards, but then we would have to reimburse them, and what a pain that is. Meanwhile, the hotel reservations I had made for all these guests down in Chicago are irrelevant, because they had already made their own, so I had to cancel the ones I had made. Travel planning is always such a pain.

The good news is that the finalists for the snowplow naming contest have been released, and out of over 1200 submissions, Tiffy and I each had two chosen. Plus they seemed to have combined two more of my submissions into one, but I'm not saying someone else didn't submit it, just that it is just like two of mine combined. I don't know if I'm allowed to say what they are until after the contest is over, but if there is any demand for it, I could post all the names we came up with at the party. Nobody else who was there had any of their submissions chosen, so Kathbert said maybe Tiffy and I should go into advertising, since we are so good at coming up with ideas that people like. I don't know if Tiffy would want to leave the world of auditing for advertising, but I have always thought I would be good at coming up with jingles. I just never knew how you got a job in advertising. Maybe after I retire from my career as a low-level public servant, I'll look into that, if I'm not too busy playing the ukulele. That seems to be what all the retired people I know do.

Famous Hat

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