Thursday, January 18, 2024

Adventures in Bus Riding: Winter Edition


Yesterday was my first full day back on campus in weeks. It was hard to get up while it was still dark after sleeping until the sun woke me up for weeks. It wasn't a hard day at work because we did a lot of light cleaning, but it was still very cold so I walked and ran in a conference room overlooking the lake during my lunch break. Only after someone posted about it on social media did I realize I'd forgotten the monthly free Bach concert. Oops! 

I tried to time leaving work to minimize my time out in the cold without missing the bus... and I just missed the bus. I complained to the other people that it had come early, and they said it was probably the bus before coming really late. I caught a C bus to a stop where I could also catch the B, if it came before the next D2, and it did. Fortunately the weather had warmed up a bit, so I didn't freeze to death waiting for it. The B bus drops me off a couple of blocks away from my car, which I remembered as a pleasant walk... in September. In January the cars can't see where the crosswalk was, so they were all in my way. I had to cross several very busy, slippery driveways, but I made it to my car, and it started.

In the evening, Travalon and I went to see Migration, a movie made by the people who made Despicable Me and all the other Minion movies. It was a cute movie about a family of ducks where the mother and kids longed for adventure, but the dad was scared of everything. It seems like it could have been a really good movie, like a lot of other animated movies that deal with deep themes, but somehow it was just cute and nothing too special. I'm not sure why, since the struggle between adventure and caution is a universal one. Maybe it was the lack of really hilarious lines. Despicable Me was so quotable.

One thing that really annoyed me was this browser that I don't use as my default will somehow always pop up stories I might be interested in. Yesterday there was one about "Which is the worst zodiac sign?" and then it said Capricorn was voted the worst zodiac sign. Well, that figures, but it didn't say who voted on this. I'm guessing a bunch of Libras, since that was voted the best sign. I've known an awful lot of really shallow, self-centered Libras, but then the second-worst sign was Gemini, and they are often shallow and self-centered too. Then again, my colleague is a Gemini, and she isn't shallow and self-centered. She's just really cool. I guess she and I can keep hanging out and be the Horrible Club. I have decided to stop reading these pop-up stories about which sign is the best this or worst that, because whoever writes them clearly hates Capricorns. Of course, I did once read an article that said we Cappies are the second-best sign after Cancer because we just want to make the world a better place. (Right? Like MLK? His holiday was on his actual birthday this year.) But that was not a pop-up from this stupid browser I don't use, but an article I found while searching for "Which is the worst sign?" because the articles from this browser got me so down about my sign that I looked for articles on my browser of choice, and they weren't like that at all. A lot of them did hate on Gemini, true, but mostly they seemed to forget that we Capricorns even exist. We are the rarest sign, after all. But someone on this lame web browser really, really, really hates us. Must have gotten dumped by one, I guess.

Today I worked on campus again, and I left earlier to catch the bus but just missed it again. It would have been ten minutes early, so it must have been the one before running really late. It's like the Wild West lately with the buses - their scheduled arrival times are just like the highest probability of when they might arrive. All of us at the stop were bitching about it, and then about twenty minutes later my bus came... and looked like it was going to go right past us!! But I guess he was just trying to stop somewhere beyond the two-foot-tall piles of snow all over. 

The Secret Club I'm in had a Trivia Night tonight, and I came in second, which is perfect. I like to think I'm good at trivia, but I don't want to be the brainiac who comes in first. That's been the story of my life, like as a kid I was always Second Chair Violin in Orchestra, and everyone was all, "Why don't you challenge the First Chair?" and I'm like, why? I'm good here at second best. You'd think my favorite color was silver. It's actually teal, but my second favorite is coral, and in my world second-best is where it's at. 

Famous Hat

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