Monday, January 8, 2024

China Lights Video


Today was a quiet day working from home. My one faux pas was taking my morning break too late and missing my reminder to meet with my boss, so I got back to work just as he was asking me where I was. Fortunately he wasn't too upset about it. In the evening we watched Michigan win the National College Football Championship. Nothing weird happened with that, like yesterday when we couldn't get the station to work that the Packers were on, but we were able to watch it as it was being recorded in real time. 

Here are some Christmas cookies that Travalon's kids made at the club.

I finally got around to making a video of the talking parakeets that were at China Lights in 2022 and the erupting volcano that was there last year. Check it out:

Bonus: a squirrel playing a trumpet!

Famous Hat

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