Tuesday, January 16, 2024

More Rock Art


Today was a quiet day of working from home for me, except when someone buzzed us. (We have a buzzer instead of a doorbell.) I was surprised and wondered who it was. It was the mailwoman, delivering a pillow for Travalon's mom. It was supposed to be for her birthday, but it came all the way from Croatia, so no surprise that it was a few days late.

I don't think she reads this blog, so no worries that she'll see this before he gets a chance to give it to her. 

Travalon had to go into work today, despite the windchill advisory, and he helped the kids put on a play of The Three Little Pigs. (He himself was Pig Number Three.) He said it went well, and the Big Bad Wolf was particularly good, but that's the fun part to play. He also sent me some photos of the rocks the kids had painted, since they had the same rock-painting kits that I did. Some seemed to be just phoning it in.

But some were really good. Doesn't this one just look like Christmas?

And here's a tie-dyed one!

This glittery gold one is more like New Year's Eve. It even looks a little like a wine glass!

This one is amazing, but Travalon thinks a teacher did it.

I can't say which, if any, of these rocks would glow in the dark. Travalon is working on his own two rocks. 

My big excitement today was going to Adoration. For some reason my garage door opener doesn't work in the cold, so I had to close it manually and walk around the building. Then the roads were so terrible that I was driving really slowly, so I was ten minutes late to Adoration. I apologized in Spanish to the woman who is always there before me, but maybe I didn't say it right because she just looked confused. I took a back road there and back, thinking the odds of holding someone up with my cautious driving would be lower, but of course on my way home someone was right on my bumper because they must have been running late for work at the mental health center. I guess there is no "back" road to our house.

Famous Hat 

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