Friday, October 30, 2020

A Dream of Argyle and Plaid


I forgot to mention that yesterday we played Jeopardy at work, and usually I don’t do as well as the two Millennials on our team because I don’t know “white” music after 1991, I don’t know movies, and I don’t know TV. But yesterday our boss came up with the categories herself instead of asking us, and they were all food and beverages. I really cleaned up, particularly in the cocktail category. What this says about me, I’m not sure I want to know!

Last night I had the most random dream. There was this guy who was really into argyle, and he and all his buddies had to wear argyle sweaters all the time, except for a really fat guy who was exempt because he couldn’t find any to fit him, so he just wore T-shirts. Then I said to the guy, “Your name is Malcolm Campbell! Shouldn’t you be into tartan?” and then the dream started over, only they were into plaid instead of argyle. His son had one of those “What does your parent do” days at work, and after a woman who trained pitbulls presented, he came out in full Scottish regalia, playing the bagpipes. So on my morning walk I told my neighbor about this dream, and she said, “Your brain was just trying to come up with a dream nobody could interpret.” But guess what? The Dream Dictionary knew!

Argyle: To see argyle in your dream refers to your methodical thinking and analytical mind. Perhaps you are overly analytical. Alternatively, argyle indicates monotony. Your life is becoming too routine and repetitious.

Plaid: To dream that you are wearing plaid suggests that some of your conservative views are in conflict with your liberal and wild side.

Bagpipe: To see or hear bagpipes in your dream signify strength and virility. You will overcome your struggles.

So, obviously, I am analyzing an issue, there are some conflicts, but ultimately I will prevail. Is this a dream about the election?

Famous Hat

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