Monday, October 26, 2020

Photos from Olbrich Gardens


Today I took Boethius my computer to get more RAM, and of course they tried once again to get me to buy another computer, but in the end they agreed that more RAM would do what I want it to do: speed Boethius up. They asked if I wanted a phone call or a text when they were done, and I said I'd prefer a text. Then Travalon and I got coffee, and then we walked a little way on the boardwalk on Lake Waubesa, but it was cold, and we figured we should head back since the computer people should have been done by then. I kept checking, but no text. When we got there, they said, "The technician left you a voicemail," but I didn't have a voicemail, and anyway the guy specifically asked me if I preferred a text, so why bother to ask if he was going to disregard my preference? Anyway, Boethius now has twice as much RAM, and he is still busy making slide shows for me. He made one called "Wisconsin to Illinois 2017," and I was puzzled about what that was until I watched it - it was our trip to California! I guess technically we started in Columbus, Wisconsin, and then we ended up in Chicago, Illinois (on our way back to Columbus), but usually Boethius knows that the furthest point we got to is the focus of our trip, so he usually names these slideshows something like "Trip to the Bahamas 2019." Why he thought we were taking a trip from Wisconsin to Illinois by way of San Francisco is beyond me, but this is why I think we aren't ready to hand over the difficult tasks to artificial intelligence yet.

As promised, here are some photos from Olbrich Gardens yesterday. First are some blooms that were in the conservatory.

This little canary kept following us around as we took pictures of flowers.

And these are photos from the outside gardens.

If winter was just brisk temperatures that are good for walking and a sprinkling of snow that looks like powdered sugar on everything, then I wouldn't even complain about it. And it may be like that in some places (parts of Japan, I hear), but I'm sure we can expect our usual brutal weather soon enough around here.

Famous Hat

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