Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Slide Shows by Boethius


So now I know why my computer Boethius is running out of memory - he's been making slide shows for me! I find this cute and endearing even though I know he's a computer and is just doing whatever some programmer told him to do. Last night as I was about to log off after Night Prayer, he flashed a message across the screen: "I made you a slide show of the Best of 2020." Intrigued, I watched it... and fell down the rabbit hole of staying up way too late watching all of them. Most of them seemed logical, like one of our road trip down to Cuba and the Bahamas, or another of a gorgeous spring day when Tiffy and I hung out at Olbrich Gardens and I took a million pictures, but there was one he made that was just photos of Travalon and me doing random things while wearing these tie-dye shirts I made. Apparently artificial intelligence really digs homemade tie-dye. Then I discovered Boethius had made slide shows of people. He had made one of Luxuli, one of Jilly Moose, and one of OK Cap, but not Anna Banana II (who was in a lot of the same photos) or Tiffy (who is kind of camera-shy but was in some shots with me). He knew Jilly Moose's name, but not the others' names. He made one of Rich, and one of me, and one of Travalon, but he only knew Travalon's name. Boethius is smart enough to figure out that Travalon and I go together, and so he also made a slide show called "Together" of Travalon and me, but when I opened it, it said: "Travalon + One Other." I laughed so hard I almost choked. Come on, Boethius! I'm your owner! How can you know my husband's name but not mine? Artificial intelligence: it's hilarious... until we're bowing down before our robot overlords.

Famous Hat

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