Thursday, October 22, 2020

When You Totally Sort of Mean Business


Today was very rainy all day long, but I did get all my walks in. On one of them, I took this photo of the last vestiges of fall color in our neighborhood:

This evening I had to run a very "adult" errand, going to Farm and Fleet to get knee boots and a high visibility vest. I need the boots for when we are taking in the boat on Saturday, so that I can step into the water once we get to the boat ramp. My neighbor said we should get high vis vests for walking, now that we are going out at O'Dark Thirty for our walks, and a guy whipped around the corner and almost hit us because he probably didn't see us. (Why anyone would drive that speed on our street, especially before 7:30 in the morning, is another question entirely.) I got a high vis vest for my neighbor too, and she'll pay me back. I have been told that they are very useful in an entirely different way, in that they make you seem official so that you can go backstage at major concerts or wander onto an accident scene and ask what's going on, and nobody will question you because you must be a worker - you're wearing a high vis vest! I mean, people like Rich wear them for biking, but I guess they do kind of make you look like a construction worker. I can't yet say if it would work for getting me into normally off-limits places, but I guess it does make me look like I'm all business. I asked Travalon if he would take a picture of me wearing the boots and the high vis vest, and he said I should wear my light-up unicorn horn too, so it looks like I totally mean business, only not really.

I know the vest is kind of really huge on me, but my neighbor said get the biggest size so it would fit over our bulky winter coats.

After that all-business purchase, Travalon and I went to the antiques store that is also on Stoughton Road but is still called Maple Bluff Antiques from the days when it was in our neighborhood. Last time I couldn't find any rosaries there, and the proprietress had to help me, and then the two she found were cheap plastic ones. This time I found two really nice sterling silver and glass ones, and she said, "Oh, where did you find these? I had someone in the other day looking for rosaries, and I couldn't find any!" I will post pictures of them eventually. I also talked Travalon into buying me a cheap plastic glow-in-the-dark rosary, along with the Archie bobble-head and Boris and Natasha dolls he got for himself.

Famous Hat

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