Monday, October 12, 2020

Photos from Our Boat Ride into the Marsh


So this is crazy, but somehow Boethius my computer did upload the photos from my phone yesterday, and I couldn't find them. Today he let me upload the photos from Travalon's good camera, and those are amazing, so I'll post them tomorrow. We also went for a hike at Indian Lake tonight once I got done with work, and we have some photos of that too, so maybe that will be Wednesday's post. Anyway, if you like fall foliage, this week on Famous Hat should be just what you're looking for.

This first photo is a tree right outside our kitchen window. I have no idea what kind of tree it is, but I love how the leaves are red with green edges.

Here are some photos from our boat ride back in the marsh on Saturday morning.

Here is the little island in the marsh that doesn't seem to have a name. Maybe we should call it Wank Island, just like Mount Wank on Highway 19 that doesn't seem to have a name.

My favorite captain navigating around Wank Island!

These photos are of the trees across the river from us.

This is the sunset that we saw from Governor's Island on Saturday.

Here is Richard Bonomo, looking all 2020 in his mask, consulting the corn maze map with a beautiful hill (and a telephone pole) behind him.

Sunday morning we saw a woodpecker on State Street!

It's like Christmas when I open a new bag of rosaries - I forget how beautiful they are! I got these in July in Minocqua. The green one is so lovely, but it is missing a lot of beads. The little one that I thought was a one-decade rosary is actually a Chaplet of the Infant of Prague, as I found out today when I tried to pray it over lunch and discovered it has twelve beads instead of ten.

Tune in tomorrow to see Travalon's much better photos from our cruise on Saturday.

Famous Hat

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