Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lobster Boil


Tonight Travalon and I went to the lobster boil at Mariner's, and they gave us a little table off by ourselves in a side room, while everyone else was in a large room together. In these days of COVID, I was glad for that, and I like to think that we got a special place because we are such regulars, but then I wondered if we are too gauche to be around the other guests. And then I thought, who has table manners while eating lobster, anyway? We had white wine with our meal, and a dinner roll (but they accidentally gave me two), and a Caesar salad. Then they brought us each a plate with boiled potatoes, corn on the cob, and an enormous lobster. I felt bad for it momentarily because I could see its eyes, but then I thought what the heck, it's already dead so I might as well eat it. And it was delicious! Eating lobster is a lot of work, but happily they provided shell crackers, small forks, and disposable bibs that said: "Enjoy tasty LOBSTER!" My butter was bubbling, so I made a video of that, but it's really not that interesting. Maybe I'll post it at some point. For dessert, we had a choice of cheesecake with cherries or key lime pie, so Travalon and I both went for the pie. Yum! And that's a wrap for Lobster Boils 2020 - they won't have another one until next June, if we all survive that long. (I read today that our state is one of the top five where they expect election-related violence, especially in capital cities. So there's that.) But to end on a more cheerful note, we had a wonderful and very romantic evening.

Famous Hat

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