Monday, October 19, 2020

Cleaning in Costume


Lately my computer Boethius has become one of the main characters on this blog, but next Monday he will get some more memory, and then maybe he will fade into the background again. I called Graphite because I was having trouble with their online appointment system, and the guy I talked to thought I meant Boethius was out of storage space. I wish I knew more about computers, but Richard Bonomo had to help me look up how much storage space is left, and there's quite a bit - what Boethius needs is more RAM. So that is only $128 instead of over $400. What the guy really wanted me to do was buy a new computer - of course - which is ten times the price of more RAM, but Rich thinks Boethius should work for at least a few more years. Apple computers do last forever - I have one that is over a quarter of a century old, and it still works. I used it to write a complete novel and several unfinished ones.

Light Bright had a baby girl last Monday! Her name is Isla Jean. Congratulations!!

I am part of a "secret" club that fights Adultitis, and our secret mission this month was to do an adultitis-filled chore in a Halloween costume. I decided to clean the bathroom today, but a whole Halloween costume would be impractical for cleaning, so I just wore the light-up unicorn horn I got at a Mallards game. I made Travalon take a photo to prove it.

The unicorn horn was a bit uncomfortable, and I couldn't find my Carmen Miranda fruit basket hat, so I put on a sailor hat I got in La Crosse. "Swab that toilet, sailor!" "Aye, aye, captain!" Here's the clean bathroom.

Travalon got into the spirit too, cleaning in the kitchen and taking out the trash. But then I couldn't find a rosary I was sure I had gotten in Minocqua, so we had to go down to the garage and look through the trash bag he had just taken down to see if we could find it. Travalon was very good-natured about this, but we couldn't find the rosary, and now I am wondering if I just thought about getting it but didn't. That was way back in July, after all. It was a tiny rosary made of red and white beads the size you would use for a beading project, like a belt or whatever, so easy to throw away accidentally. I guess I'll just have to go back to Minocqua sometime and see if it is still at the antiques shop. Here are the rest of the rosaries I got during that trip, and a St. Anne's chaplet.

Still to come: more rosaries and another St. Anne's chaplet that I got during our second trip to Minocqua.

Famous Hat

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