Friday, October 9, 2020

Garden Summary 2020


I think all the cedar waxwings in our neighborhood are drunk. This morning I saw one fly right into our porch window as I was working, and he bounced off and flew to a branch. I watched him to make sure he was okay, and he sat there, dazed, for a minute or two and then flew off. I keep hearing birds fly into our windows the last few days, and I was wondering why they were suddenly having this issue when they haven't up until now, but there were no fermented crabapples before this. My neighbor says she saw one fly right into a fence. "I'll bet autumn is their favorite time of year," she said. They are taking Oktoberfest very seriously in the cedar waxwing world!

This year my garden was much more pathetic than last year. I got some green beans, but nothing like the bounty last year. My ground cherry produced like crazy, but since the second plant mysteriously disappeared early in the season, I only got half as many as last year. I only got three carrots and maybe ten radishes, of which at least four were skinny and tough. The strawberries produced as much as last year, but the kale and chard were much more disappointing. The corn never got big enough to do anything, and I had a beautiful pumpkin vine covered with flowers, but it only produced one pumpkin that got about the size of a softball and then rotted. I planted all sorts of other seeds that never even sprouted, like beets and turnips. One of my eggplants vanished, and the other looked happy but never got big. It had one blossom but never produced a fruit. This can probably all be blamed on my lack of weeding. I thought I'd be spending a lot more time at the garden, now that I don't have to commute to work, but now that I never have to drive, I don't want to get into a car even to drive the couple of miles over to my garden plot. All my coworkers were saying how this was their best gardening year yet, but I guess I spent most of my extra time walking or boating. Will I try the garden again next year? Probably.

Famous Hat

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