Sunday, October 11, 2020

Cruise and Corn Maze


Sorry, no photos of our most recent adventures. Boethius is just about out of memory, so I might have to go buy some more for him before uploading more photos. I did try tonight, but he completely ignored the photos from Travalon's good camera, and he was having issues with the photos from my phone, so I'll just relate our adventures and save the photos for later.

On the morning of Ten Ten Twenty Twenty, Travalon and I went for a wonderful boat ride back in the marsh. The trees were so colorful. I took some photos, and maybe someday I'll be able to post them. Then I met Tiffy downtown, and we had lunch at Himal Chuli, sitting outside because it was such a beautiful day. She, Travalon, and I took a Betty Lou Cruise, and the food wasn't too exciting for this particular one (hamburgers), but the weather was perfect, and they gave us free drinks because it's the end of the season and they need to use up their supply. We saw lots of spectacular autumn foliage on Governor's Island and Maple Bluff. We also saw a lot of sailboats out enjoying the perfect conditions. After the cruise, we took a hike on Governor's Island, since Tiffy had never been there. I am terrible at estimating distances and always think everything is "about a mile," but I said I thought it was about a mile loop, and this time I checked my FitBit. Sure enough, it was just a fraction under a mile.

Today Tiffy joined the usual brunch crowd, and Travalon's phone kept telling us how to get to the corn maze. The organist said good thing it didn't do that during Mass! We didn't really need it to tell us, since we have been there so many times - we think this is maybe our sixteenth year. Richard Bonomo joined us too, and this year he read the map instead of Tiffy. We got a little confused about where we were, but we just wandered, and Travalon and I kept finding the secret punches. Travalon also found a couple of the mailboxes containing the next section of the map, which was good because those are on the map but we weren't always sure where we were in comparison to them. Tiffy is the one who is really good at reading maps, but she said she enjoyed just wandering this year, and it sure worked for us - we finished in an hour! That may be a new record for us. The picture this year is a tardigrade, or water bear, so there were a lot of curved lines, and those are always harder to follow. Doesn't matter, we had a great time and found enough secret punches to be Maze Masters as usual, and we got special pens as usual. This year they are blue.

I got done in plenty of time to go to band practice, and today people kept watching us since we were practicing outside. (In the driveway rather than on a porch.) Some people even applauded after we finished a song that we all thought hadn't gone that smoothly. Maybe they were being nice...? One fiddler told them we were practicing, "and we need to do more!" Another person was driving by, and she stopped her car right in the middle of the road, rolled down the window, and listened to us. Good thing it's not a very busy road. We haven't had any gigs at all this year, but this almost felt like one. I have no idea why this practice attracted so much attention - I don't remember getting that much last time we practiced outside. But we are right across from the zoo, so there are lots of people whose attention we can catch. And today we did!

Famous Hat

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