Thursday, October 15, 2020

Indian Lake and Lodi Marsh


Good thing Travalon and I hiked at Devil's Lake last Wednesday instead of yesterday, because there was a murder there and they had to shut down the whole park! They still haven't found the guy! Now people die at Devil's Lake surprisingly often, I'd say at least three a year, and I was once there when someone drowned, but they didn't kick everyone out of the park. This is an unusual situation. 

On the bright side, no humans or animals were injured during that farm fire we saw in Janesville a couple of weeks ago, although the farm did sustain $420,000 in damages. I sure hope they have good insurance!

Today after work, Travalon and I took a walk at Jackson's Landing. Travalon took some photos, but he didn't send them to me until I had uploaded my last batch of photos, so that's something to look forward to for tomorrow. Here are some pictures from earlier in the week. First are a couple of Irish bears that we got at Marytown.

These are more rosaries that I got in Minocqua. The beautiful light blue one on the left has three little figures between each decade, one for each of the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. (It must predate my favorite, the Luminous Mysteries.) The one on the right has clear beads with pink roses in them.

Here are some photos from our hike at Indian Lake on Monday night.

Yesterday Travalon, who is doing Door Dash during lunch, had a delivery down near campus, so he took a walk on the Lakeshore Path. This is the route I walked every day during lunch while working on campus, and you can see why I miss it.

Here are some photos from the Lodi Marsh segment of the Ice Age Trail. In the first couple of photos, you can see the marsh a little bit through the trees. The other photos are of the cool hills all around the trail.

These couple of shots are of the trees in our neighborhood. I took them on my walks today.

Finally, this is not the most in-focus shot, but I was pleasantly surprised to see this cheerful yellow flower blooming just outside our building so late in the season.

Tune in tomorrow for photos of Jackson's Landing!

Famous Hat

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