Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lotus Boat Ride and Lotus Drink

First of all, Peach Bear says hi. 

Yesterday evening Travalon and I went for a wonderful boat ride out into the marsh to see the blooming lotuses. They smelled as good as they looked.

And this means in about a month and a half there will be lotus seeds to eat! Here we are, happy in our boat.

I didn't quite get all of Maynard in that photo, but check out the one below - he glows under my blacklight!

Speaking of lotuses, I saw that my Lotus Drink was set to arrive today by UPS, and then when I was walking outside at lunch, I saw the UPS truck drive up, so I asked, "Is that for me?" It was! I made a glass of the Lotus Drink, but it says one part syrup to five parts water, and maybe they mean a small glass, because I used a large one and then I was euphoric. It's probably the caffeine; Lotus Drink is supposed to be an alternative to coffee, but the first couple of ingredients are extract of green coffee beans and coffee fruit. It was quite tasty, and it really suppressed my appetite, so when I went to a birthday party this evening, I barely ate. It must be wearing off now, because suddenly I'm quite hungry. At least this means I should be able to sleep tonight, if it's finally worn off.

Famous Hat

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