Wednesday, August 4, 2021

RIP Rosebush


Yesterday my neighbor who had the fun birthday party a couple of months ago sent me this photo and asked, "What is this?"

I told her, "That's the green heron that has been hanging around on our dock for the last week or so," and she said she needed the bird identification app I've been using. I don't actually have an app - I somehow know what a lot of birds are, and if I don't, I go to the MySpace birdwatching page, post my photo, and ask if this is whatever my best guess is. For example, they knew that the sparrow with a charming song is a "song sparrow." Guess I could have worked that one out for myself...

I am feeling very guilty after seeing Rich's garden yesterday. About a decade ago, I moved a tiny seedling over near his lovely white-blooming rosebush, thinking it was a lilac. In fact, it was a redbud, and now it is a vigorous tree... but the shade has killed the rosebush. I saw it was struggling last summer and begged Rich to move it, but he seemed unconcerned. It must not have had enough energy to survive the winter, and this year there is no sign of life on it. It was a very old rose, and I feel awful that I am directly responsible for its death. It had such pretty flowers. So sad.

Famous Hat

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