Monday, April 20, 2020

Adjusting to Social Isolation

Yesterday morning Travalon said, "I have to take a shower before Mass." I thought that was pretty funny and said, "Are you afraid they're going to smell you through the computer screen?" but those old habits do die hard - I find myself mentally putting together a work outfit sometimes before remembering I can just wear jeans and a hoodie. And that is fancy compared to some of my friends, who are really taking this "working from home" thing seriously and never change out of pajamas, but I do take walks throughout the day so I have to wear something presentable to the outside world. Maybe that is what keeps me sane, because if I really never had to put on regular clothes, I would feel so lazy even if I was working hard on the computer. It's all a mental game at this point. I must be winning the game, because I really don't feel that restricted. We can't go to the movies... but I never did all that much anyway. We can't go shopping... but I never did all that much anyway, except for grocery shopping, which we can still do. The one thing I miss is getting together with friends, but we can talk to each other over video chat, and that's almost as satisfying. I do miss making music with people, but so far neither my band nor my choir has tried doing video practices. The ukulele group was doing virtual jams, and I was going to try that, but now the leader has to take a break, so I missed my chance for the moment. I do really like doing night prayer via video chat, and that is a new thing in my life. I pray morning and evening prayer by myself, but it's wonderful to do night prayer with other people, and then afterwards we talk about issues we need prayers for. It's a bonding experience at a time when those are hard to come by.

Famous Hat

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