Friday, April 24, 2020

Spring Flowers and Big Birds

I don't have too much to say, except that Travalon and I entered a lottery to attend a small Mass at our church, and we won a slot next Friday at noon. Which would be perfect, except that our department always has a video chat at one. Fortunately my boss was willing to push it back to 1:30 next week.

I do have some pictures, though. First are some pretty spring flowers in our neighborhood, hyacinths and daffodils.

And one of the landscapers responsible for all these pretty flowers had this charming wheelbarrow. I love how the colors are so springy.

In my house, the plants are also happier with the increasing sunshine. Here are some of my cacti and succulents, basking in the southern exposure of our kitchen window.

And this is the Rosary for Peace - you can see how the third and fifth decades are very subtly different shades of green. No teal.

This is the pair of cranes who always nest in our neighborhood.

There are some Canada geese too. And what's this? Is it a lone goose and a lone crane... or an odd couple??

I see on social media that there are goslings now at Horicon Marsh. Hopefully we can get there again this weekend and see if the white-headed goose has any offspring. Of course, if it is a hybrid, it could possibly be sterile, but it seemed to have a mate and a nest. Stay tuned...

Famous Hat

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