Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Whipped Macha Failures

I am on a committee where people take turns taking the minutes from our meetings, but for some reason I ended up doing them several times. (Of all the odd things to have a talent for... I am so known for my meticulous note-taking that I end up taking minutes for every committee I am on, and my department's meetings as well. Why couldn't I be good at something useful, like basketball or making money?) Anyway, the head of the committee joked that he owed me coffee or tea, which did I like better, and I said I was an equal-opportunity caffeine fiend. I thought he had been kidding, but one meeting he did bring me both a bag of coffee and a box of macha powder! I just brewed the coffee for our usual morning cup o' joe, but I have been experimenting with the macha powder.

There is an Instagram fad right now of showing off your whipped coffee, which has only three ingredients: instant coffee, sugar, and cream. I am not actually on Instagram, but I have seen pictures of this delectable whipped coffee, and the instructions said you could use macha powder instead for a cup of green fluffy goodness instead of light brown. Since we only have real coffee around the house, I tried it with the macha powder, but my results have been less than photogenic. The first time I whipped the cream for hours, and it got thick but not fluffy, but Travalon said it tasted really good. The next couple of times the cream just stayed liquid, and again Travalon said it tasted good, but it was definitely not worth photographing and posting. Today I thought I knew what had gone wrong, but this was the day Travalon did not say, "At least it tastes good," because I beat the cream for hours, but it remained liquid... at least on the top. Unbeknownst to me, there was butter on the bottom. So we had chunks of butter in our macha lattes! I am now out of macha powder, so this experiment will have to go on hold until we can acquire either more macha powder or some instant coffee. Who knew making whipped cream could be so difficult? Feel free to tell me where I went wrong in the comments.

Famous Hat

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