Sunday, April 19, 2020

Theresa Marsh

Did everyone get out to enjoy this weather? It was just as beautiful as yesterday. As opposed to last weekend, when our Slow Food buddy took this picture of us on the hill overlooking Horicon Marsh. You can kind of tell it was raining, but it's not a bad picture anyway.

My rosary sun catcher is done! It actually works - I prayed a rosary using it.

And this is how it looks hanging in our living room window.

This is the small pond at Meadow Ridge Park, the same park where the bluff is, in the neighborhood right next to ours. I assume the bluff is the "Meadow Ridge"?

Here is a picture from the car protest yesterday! The sign says: "F the 35s!" The F-35 fighter jets are rumored to be exceedingly loud, so those of us living near the airport would prefer that they not come to town. For some reason we were chosen, along with Montgomery, Alabama, the place where I got in a fight with an insect and lost. (Who knew luna moths were so strong that I couldn't move one from the sidewalk to the grass?) To add insult to injury, I think it was dying, but I had to enlist Travalon's help to move it.

This is what my rosary rack looks like at the moment, with nothing but junk mail rosaries on it because the other ones are up in the loft as part of my meta-rosary. I did like how these were all shades of blue and brown.

My neighbor was flying a kite this morning! It was so pretty in real life - this photo doesn't do it justice.

Today Travalon and I went to Theresa Marsh, which is east of Horicon Marsh. We saw lots of these cute little sandpiper things there, which I have never seen at Horicon.

We also saw this cool painted turtle on a rock. I tried to take photos of coots and a blue heron, but they did not turn out at all. However, when we came back along the path, the same turtle was on a different rock. I will let you choose which photo you like better.

Here is a shot of Theresa Marsh (and my car) from a slight hill behind it.

Then we went to Horicon Marsh and saw my buddy the white-headed goose. Maybe it really is a male, because it appeared to be patrolling around a nesting goose. Or do they take turns sitting on the nest? I'm afraid I really know very little about goose breeding habits.

For reference, here is a standard Canada goose. It has the same wings and white rump.

Then we went to Burke Town Park and walked around this odd little island that is a hill. I think some or all of this may be manmade.

We ended the afternoon by going to the Union, because I had forgotten to take pictures of the pier that drifted over to our side of the lake. We found a primo parking spot and cut through Alumni Park, where Travalon took this photo of me "riding" the Harley Davidson statue.

Here are some photos of the Hoofers pier, so that you can see how, when we looked through the binoculars, we thought a boardwalk had suddenly appeared across the river with white brick walls and towers on the gate. It looked like a very permanent structure to have sprung up overnight and then vanished again! Here you can see the "towers" are lights and the "walls" are storage bins.

And this is a close-up of one of the light structures, not out on that pier.

We headed back through Alumni Park, and I saw this cute little model of the Capitol Dome.

For reference, here is the actual Capitol Building.

Finally, we went to the co-op to buy food and coffee and dish soap, things like that, and since it is no longer Lent, I did buy myself this very cute little cactus.

So it was a wonderful weekend, and you could hardly beat the weather for this time of year!

Famous Hat

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