Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saturday Wildlife Sightings

Today was proof that I should always bring my good camera with me. We had a lazy morning, sleeping in late, and I took a walk with my neighbor at ten just like a weekday, then I took a rosary walk by myself at noon. Who should I see on this walk but the neighborhood blond squirrel? I got some okay pictures of it that I will post soon, but imagine what I could have gotten with my good camera! In the afternoon Travalon and I went for a walk on the boardwalk in DeForest, and we followed the paved path until spotting a path that went into the woods. It goes along the mighty Yahara River, which is more of a creek at that point, and on the other side was a field. The path ended with a fallen tree, and I stepped into the field to try to see around the fallen tree, but the path did not continue on the other side. Just then a crane began to yell, and we saw a pair of them far off in the field. Another crane yelled back from the direction we had come from, and we saw another pair further down the field, and beyond them, at least twenty-five deer. Two of the deer were blond, like the squirrel, and I took some photos, but alas, they are nothing like what I could have gotten with my good camera. The two pairs of cranes started walking toward each other, yelling and yelling, and I wondered if there would be a terrific fight. However, once they met up, they started strolling along together like two couples who were old friends. Once the cranes fell silent, the deer began invading their part of the field, and then they started yelling again. One deer approached them pretty closely but thought better of it, and after a while all the deer ran back to the far end of the field again, and then they disappeared into the woods on the other side of the field. Travalon and I watched all this from our part of the woods with great fascination. I said it was way more interesting than anything on television. We returned the way we had come, and as we were on the boardwalk, we saw a male squirrel chasing a female one. The female was much prettier than the average squirrel, with a bushy orange tail and white ears. She didn't let the male catch her - maybe waiting for a less ordinary mate? Maybe she would like the blond squirrel in our neighborhood. (Of course, it might also be a female.) Then when we pulled into our street, we saw the lone crane and the lone Canada goose together again. I am seriously starting to wonder if they are some kind of crazy couple.

Famous Hat

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