Saturday, April 18, 2020

Protest in Cars and Boardwalk Mystery Solved

I hope my readers got to get outside to enjoy this beautiful weather. I had kind of an amazing day today. First we had a relaxed morning; I made the Vietnamese egg coffee again, and I took a walk with our neighbor. Then Travalon and I participated in a protest against the F-35 fighter jets coming to Madison, but because of social distancing we had to protest in our cars. We joined a line of cars that paraded around the Capitol, beeping our horns to the rhythm of "This is what democracy looks like!" Someone even gave us a sign to display. Travalon's Lexus is in the shop right now, but we fit in with all these aging hippies in my little Honda Civic. Then we walked down State Street and went to a favorite restaurant that was open for takeout, but they let us eat in a secret outdoor garden that nobody can see from the street, so we tipped them 25% to thank them. Our clandestine lunch!

We took a long walk along the Lakeshore Path, and on the way back we noticed the pier that was part of the new Hoofers marina that I donated to. (Remember? I was invited to the swanky soiree to dedicate it.) It had two tall white things on it that looked like gate posts, a semi-circle of white storage compartments that looked kind of like walls, and the rest looked like a boardwalk. That's right, I think we have solved the mystery of where the disappearing boardwalk came from! Can you believe it? It either drifted or was blown all the way across the lake from the Union to the marsh! That explains why it was such a fancy one (with locked storage compartments, per the report of our neighbor who took his paddle board over to check it out) - it didn't belong to some obscenely rich person living on the lake, but to the Hoofers! It all makes sense now, except for the part where some wealthy family donated a ton of money to build this thing, and whoever put it in didn't secure it properly. Right now you can't go out on it, but I already did when it was dedicated, so in fact I have walked on the mysterious disappearing boardwalk!

Famous Hat

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