Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Make 2020 a Jubilee Year!!

So many people are struggling right now. My neighbor says she has talked to other small business owners who are down to their last $25, and it seems unsustainable that everyone would be so broke. I said her landlord should not charge rent during this time, and she said he has a mortgage, so then I had an idea - why not make 2020 a jubilee year? In the Bible, every fifty years they had a jubilee year, when all debts were forgiven. Think about it: not only is 2020 a nice, round number and so fit for a special year, but if the landlord didn't have a mortgage and the tenants didn't have rent, then the only people out money would be some obscenely rich people in the banking industry, who instead of making $50 million in bonuses this year maybe could only get a $10 million bonus or something. The sad thing is that some of the richest people on earth are actually making a huge profit during this pandemic, while so many other people are losing money when they already have so little. A jubilee year would rectify those wrongs. How do we start a movement?

Famous Hat

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