Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Autumn of My Life

Today as Travalon and I were out for a walk, a car pulled up to us to ask where a house was in our neighborhood that is for sale. A dog was sticking its head out of the back seat window, and it was wearing sunglasses. Then we saw the goose that is always alone, and I just feel so sorry for it. I told it we would be its friends, but it just walked away from us. It wants goose friends, and I hope it finds some. Geese shouldn't be alone, just like people.

Last night I felt very sad because I am entering another stage of life, and it is the autumn of my life. I have never really liked autumn, because it means winter is on the way. No matter how many cheery websites I read that say to regard this as an exciting new phase of my journey, it's hard to get excited about it. Autumn does have some lovely weather and beautiful colors, but every year I wish it would stay summer forever, and now I wish I could stay young forever. I have other friends on a similar journey, and some say it gets worse, but the ones on the other side say once you arrive, it's a relief. One told me she felt stronger and healthier afterwards. I guess it's like being a teenager in reverse - your hormones are going crazy, only it's because things are shutting down instead of starting up. So if you see me crying, it's just those crazy hormones.

Famous Hat

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