Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Crane Family Reunited

Today a kind of cool thing happened. I was walking on one of my work breaks with my neighbor, and we saw the teenage crane wandering around all by itself. This concerned both of us, so we walked toward where we could hear some cranes sounding off. To our surprise, it was a group of five: the parents of the crane, and the other couple with their youngster. I pointed in the direction where we had seen the young crane and said, "She's over there!" (Note: I have no idea what gender it is.) You could tell they knew I was trying to tell them something, but they weren't sure what. (As a woman passing by said, "You don't speak Crane?") My neighbor says they recognize our voices, since we are walking around and chatting multiple times per day, and I know birds are very visual, so they probably recognize me as that short human with the strange thing (hat) on its head. We weren't sure what else to do, so we continued on our loop on the boardwalk, and when we came back to our starting point, there was the young crane, milling around. We herded it back toward where we had seen the other cranes, and they had already started coming that way. Did they actually understand my pointing? So the family was reunited, thanks in part to us. Awww!

Famous Hat

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