Friday, August 28, 2020

Poolside Fish Fry

Last night there was quite a storm here! The power kept going out, and the wind was howling around the house. There was so much lightning! This morning my neighbor and I inspected the damage, and there was a tree down behind another neighbor's house. We also met some brand-new neighbors who were just moving in, and we saw more neighbors - the cranes! My walking buddy made a video of them hollering about who knows what, and I tried to attach it, but Blogspot refuses to make it work.

Tonight I went swimming with two Sagittarii at the Cherokee Country Club pool. The neighbor I always walk with can go there with her health club membership, and she brought Travalon and me as guests for $10 each. We swam for over an hour, then you can order food right there, so we had a fish fry by the side of the pool, including a highly suspect old fashioned in a can. They were selling ice cream sandwiches three for the price of one, so our neighbor bought one and gave the other two to Travalon and me. That made us feel like little kids! In a good way. The weather was getting worse, so I came home and talked to Tiffy. She hasn't been to town since the pandemic hit, but she is debating about coming next weekend so we can celebrate her birthday. It feels like ages since I have seen her!

Famous Hat

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