Sunday, August 30, 2020

Now I'm Really Fed Up

Today  Travalon and I didn't want to go to Mass at our parish, but we weren't sure if they would let us in at the local parish - like, maybe you have to sign up ahead of time. After this morning we will definitely be looking into their rules, because at our parish half the people don't wear masks, and then the priest said, "For those who are excessively concerned about COVID, you can receive in the hand from the deacon, before anyone receives on the tongue." But then the deacon went and gave communion to the three altar servers ON THE TONGUE first, so it was kind of a moot point. Between the priest's snide comment and the deacon's bizarre actions, I know where they consider those of us who are concerned about the virus. But our parish is starting to be taken over by the Christian Taliban anyway, the one that already is in effect at the local Tradistan parish, where their priest wrote on social media, "It's not Left vs. Right, it's Children of Darkness vs. Children of Light." They claim this is about abortion, but I saw an argument on social media between two white men who have been active in anti-abortion causes (I refuse to call it pro-life when they don't care once a human is born), and the one who insists we all have to vote for a particular party said he didn't care that numbers drop under the other party (because decreasing demand is more effective than decreasing supply), he's not about the numbers. Well, the "numbers" are the real human lives, so then what the hell DO you care about?? They are about imposing their vision of "Christianity" which has nothing to do with what Christ taught and everything to do with oppressing others. I want to live somewhere where I can practice my religion freely, not somewhere where I have to practice it. When you dismiss those who don't agree with you as demonic, you are not arguing in good faith. And of course they say calling someone a racist is arguing in bad faith, but I have a simple way to get people to stop calling you a racist: stop being a racist. It's that easy.

Travalon and I fled and took a wonderful boat ride, where we saw sailboats with spinnakers up, then we took a walk at Picnic Point. Then, because it was a gorgeous day, we went to the community garden where I have a plot and spread mulch in the children's garden. We have to do three hours of community work for the garden, so one hour down. It's not so bad when you break it up like that.

Famous Hat

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